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Getting Powdercoat off aluminium.


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Does anyone know if there is a safe way of removing Powdercoat from Aluminium/alloy?

Have a Spondon Frame, that the previous idiot owner powdercoated :icon_blackeye:

Want it back to standard with minimal or no damage to the polished alloy underneath.

Know of anyone, or how.. ( don't say nitromorse :D )


If the powdercoater did a good job then he/she would have media blasted it before to get a good finish for the powder to adhere. If this is the case, which it is 'cos it is close to impossible to get powdercoat to adhere to polished alloy, then just get it media-blasted and you'll have to polish it again.

I very much doubt that the coater didnt blast it, if they didn't then you should be able to flake the powdercoat off by gently tapping it with a rubbermallet to get it to crack and then peling bit by bit.

But again, i doubt there will still be a polished alloy finish underneath.


Time to break out the wet and dry sandpaper. Use lots of water and only very fine sandpaper if you want that mirror finish. Start off with 800 and work down to 1400 then to finally finish 2500. Then the autosol. Dont expect to have any fingerprints for a few weeks and get used to looking like a coal miner.

Edit due to my shit spelling.


Soda blasting would remove the coating leaving what ever finish was underneath untouched

Soda blasting would remove the coating leaving what ever finish was underneath untouched

Good man, i contacted Holty of this parish and he got back to me. Hopefully i can meet up and get it done.


You will still have to re-do the surface and in my exoerience polishing alloy is a real pain.

My advice, have it done proffesionally.


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