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Helmet problem


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Just purchased a HJC FS-10 Carbon and the visor appears to be 'leaking' something. I have ridden the bike 4 times so far since getting the helmet and it has done it every time; an oily type substance appears on the inside of the visor right at the top. (no, I dont think its my hair) and slowly trickles down, it is just like I would imagine oil would look like on a visor. I can wipe it off and it goes but comes back next time I ride it. Could this be the Anti Fog?

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Well took it back to the shop, thay had a look, pointed out that there was quite a large gap at the top of the visor, so thay have given me a new visor and one of those anti fog stick on shields as well, so we'll give that a try I guess.

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