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RD forum gone pop ?


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Has Alex's RD Forum gone titzup ?


Bugger , that was a mine of info :eusa_whistle:

Yeah it's imploded again under the sheer amount of info I think. It crashes periodically and sometimes it recovers ok other times everything is lost...

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  • 2 weeks later...
alek has a new forum up and running while his rebooting the old one

But none of the old logins work, and requesting a new login has not been very productive, 2 days later and still waiting for my request to be approved.. Hope it's up and running soon.

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So can anyone tell me how to get in touch with Alex? It has now been more than a week since I requested a new account as the old one doesn't work. I still get the following message ""The specified username is currently inactive. If you have problems activating your account, please contact a board administrator." but no where does it say how to contact a board administrator!!

Cheers Gary

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you cant just logon via the forum url, you have to click the link you get sent in the confirmation email first, then logon from where that takes you.

just as you have to do for most forums.

check your email, check your junkmail folder.

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Fredie, I tried, but it tells me the email address I give is already used (I guess when I asked for the first account which has not been approved) and it will not let me create another account. I don't want to create a new email address just to get a login for this site. Anyone know how to contact Alex so I can get this fixed ASAP.. It's been 2 weeks without my daily fix of this site and I am getting withdrawl symptoms..


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