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The overtaking car sure is moving fast, but I think the uploader is telling porkies - he's travelling at around 150-160 kmh, not mph.......... [edit] And that's *after* he sped up as he carried out his overtake... [/edit]

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The overtaking car sure is moving fast, but I think the uploader is telling porkies - he's travelling at around 150-160 kmh, not mph.......... [edit] And that's *after* he sped up as he carried out his overtake... [/edit]

if you read the 'more info' section he's estimating that the Corvette was going approx 160mph... he's not claiming that he was going 160 mph (although the title he chose for the vid isn't the best) - tbf he points the camera at his (kph) speedo in the clip itself.

It's a salient reminder though. I've found myself not doing as many obs as I should before an overtake on the assumption that I must be the fastest person on this particular patch of road - and we all know what assumption is the mother of... :thumbsup:

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if you read the 'more info' section he's estimating that the Corvette was going approx 160mph... he's not claiming that he was going 160 mph (although the title he chose for the vid isn't the best) - tbf he points the camera at his (kph) speedo in the clip itself.

Ah, well I didn't look at it on YouTube as it was, er, embedded here so I didn't see any comments, just the title which, as you say, could be better worded. Like "Getting passed by someone else travelling at (a guessed) 160mph"

I got the 150-160kmh from watching the video pic of his speedo....

What's probably most worrying is he chooses to use a hand-held video camera whilst driving down an (I assume) unrestricted stretch of Autobahn at near-as-damnit 100mph, including changing lanes himself... ;)

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