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GSXR 600 K1 SET Valve


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My FI light came up on the dash but C00 (no fault)) came up when plugged in, someone said to remove the SET Valve to sort the problem, but I cant find it in my manual. Do all gsxr's have a SET valve? :tumbleweed:

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Come the revolution, when I am the omnipotent world leader, I will, along with having thousands of the fittest ladies on the planet beating a path to my door, ban all brand specific anacronyms and abbreviations. And, thanks to this snippet of info Zak, you can have a couple of the fit girl cast-offs, the ones that are great looking from a distance, but slightly cross-eyed, or perhaps turn out to burp a bit too often.

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Do they take it up the wrong 'un????

That will depend upon individuals, and as yet, the exact candidates haven't been selected. I'll keep you posted.

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If Lawrence is hand picking them you,ll have nowt to worry about.

My hand's having no part in the process....

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I have a set of throttlebodies from the year and model. Let me know if you are still in need. I am located in Tacoma. faron at gixxertek dot com.

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