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Have been looking for a 250 2 stroke for a little while, would like an RS, but can't really afford one, and not sure it'll hit the spot to be honest. I've seen a mint NS250R going for decent money. Not sure how common they are in UK, but does anyone have any advice about one of these V-Twin alloy framed beauties.....

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Pretty rare if you're talking about the original MC11. Effectively an NS400R with a V-twin instead of a V3, so quite a lot of parts are shared. There's a bloke on our forum that's got one - have a look HERE. There's an unfaired NS250F too - Scottie mentioned it in the latest mag I think.

We'll have this one on display at the Stafford Show next month, still as raced in a Proddy TT :


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There are many flavours of NSR250 - I've got an MC28, which is the last one made. A fabulous resource is www.nsr-world.com Fontyyy of this parish (world's greatest human, c. and tm) is a mod on there, and has forgotten more about NSRs than I will ever know.

Bottom line - what sort of NSR, whatr sort of condition, what extras do you get.

I love mine to bits, and it's my first two stroke since I passed my test

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Just read thread title properly. Please ignore most of the above, except the NSR world bit, and the stuff about Fontyyy.

Does anyone have any glasses?

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