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my landlord's boy has a 2007 honda crf100 for bombing about the farm, and it's got a problem. It'll rev fine with no load but as soon as you try and ride it it starts to stutter and missfire. I've had the carb off and while it wasn't spanking new I wouldn't say it was that dirty. The air filter was ok too, and has been cleaned and reoiled.

I've taken the kill switch apart and rebuilt it and cleaned up the main earth to the frame but the problem's still there. Anyone got any ideas? Is it likely to still be the carb? Or might it be the coil that's dodgy (think it's cdi ignition)?

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Sounds like a weak spark, try a new plug first, but it could be something as simple as a bad earth. Off road machines and particularily XR's and CRF's seem to suffer from this. Other than that, make sure the carb is properly clean, then start checking CDi box (not cheap), stator, coil, pulse generator and clean out the plug cap, they are a magnet for corrosion and general shit.

I would change the order that I've suggested though. CDi box last!

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