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14.2v - 14.8v Is That A Problem ?


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My rectifier blew on my KTM, after googling I upgraded to a genuine shindengen mosfet

I then fitted a voltmeter so I could keep an eye on it (No idea what it was before)

At idle it's 14.2v rising to 14.8v at higher revs

Google suggested 15v is a problem but I'm used to seeing around 1v less on most of my stuff

Is this a problem  and is it likely to be due to the mosfet regulator or the stator ?

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Depending where its fitted on the bike, I would put some cpu paste on the back if possible, to help the heat disperse a bit quicker..  I have had issues with hondas and found it helped a little, plus always run with lights on,if they aren't already, as it helps to use up some of the potential excess.. 

I also changed my connectors on my 9r as the block connectors had melted over the years, when I got it, so changed to something different that can cope with it better and won't allow the wiring internally to decay anymore,,, hopefully.. 

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Are you sure it's a genuine item? I have fitted a couple & they both ran at 14-14.2.

Alternatively, how accurate is your meter. A couple of the cheap ones I used in the past were woefully inaccurate. I bought an ex mod fluke & got it calibrated.

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I'd probably prefer to see a maximum of 14.4v from a regulator but as far as your battery is concerned, it's only a theoretical increase of 0.067v across each cell so very unlikely to be an issue.

Healthy lead acid batteries are pretty rugged things to a point. I can't see you having an overcharging issue to speak of but you might blow bulbs a teeny bit more often.

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Thanks all, definitely genuine, only a cheap gauge and meter but they both read the same, probably a bit cautious after my last battery blew up like a balloon.

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