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Motobatt Batterys. Any Good?


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Fed up of buying a new battery every year for the daily run around. {scooter]

I have seen these glass matt things & the claims of holding charge for longer & the higher cranking torque have my attention.

Has anyone fitted one or have experience with them??


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Ive had one for a year now...all good, i keep mine topped up with a ctek charger. Its on my 7r, bastards to start without a good battery so its prob as good a test as any

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I've got one, been on just over a year. Was on my bike all winter in a cold shed, didn't get started for 4 months, started the bike straight away when needed. I'm literally just about to buy another for my Dads bike.

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I bought one for my 848. It said should be charged straight from the box which it wasnt. After charging still wouldnt crank my 848 over. I sent it back guessing i was just unlucky and got a Dud. Will be sticking with a Yuasa i think.

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Had one on my 999, as above wasn't charged when it arrived and it always struggled even fully charged to turn the bike over

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  • 10 months later...

Thinking of getting one of these and did a quick search of the forum to see what the simple forum folk of this shire thinks and have found that they thought what rest of the internet thinks.

Namely they're fucking great or fucking shit. Seems to be a bit of a lottery if you get a good one or not :eusa_think:

Anyone had any other experiences since this thread last saw day light?

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I just got a pair for the Bimota started up fine without charging them.

It's worth finding the battery code and then searching for it - if I bought them for a SB6 they're £55 ea but use the code and they're £37.50 ea (£81.25 with postage)

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Purchased 2 early last year, one for the r1 and another for a ccm644. The r1 had no use at all through winter, no optimate, and fired up lovely in march. The ccm now in the possession of a friend is the same, starting no bother regardless of how long it's sat. Very impressed.

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Having worked at a bikeshop for 6 years, we sold Yuasa and MotoBatt.

Yuasa lasted longer IF they were used regularly (both wet and gel). We really only sold them to commuters and people who acctually trickle charged.

The motobatt ones are really good IF you give em a full charge and drain cycle before use. Otherwise they are very hit and miss. They are alot less prone to failure if left unatended for a while.

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Got motobatt in my 996 and RVF400 after continued failures of varta and yuasa batteries within a year. 996 starts so easily now and rarely needs a top up after standing.

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Seeing that I get to use my bike about once every six months since my sons been born I've just ordered one.

Did people charge before use or just stick it in (ffnaarr)

The motobatt ones are really good IF you give em a full charge and drain cycle before use. Otherwise they are very hit and miss. They are alot less prone to failure if left unatended for a while.

Drain cycle? I dont have a battery un-charger unfortunately. :huh:

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  • 3 weeks later...

They get a thumbs up from me. Stuck it in the bike out of the box and the bike fired up like she'd been run yesterday. She (hah) hadn't been used since February.

Rode to the shops to buy some beer, came home and that concluded my riding of my 160 bhp missile for the next six months :facepalm::eusa_wall:

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Recent truth - FZ750, wouldn't start one day (water in fuel from shitty chinese fuel cap as it turned out) bike subsequently left for weeks in cold with battery that I'd forgotten to put on a charger immediately.

Charged up fine and went back to normal levels of loveliness.

I love MotoBatt's their ossum cold cranking and lack of winter maintenance have impressed me across the 3 of them that I've owned.


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Got one in the SRX - if it does go flat and won't respond to the charger, remember that all you have to do is put it in parallel with another battery that is charging. Then the charger, which doesn't like feeding batteries with very low voltage, is happy and all is well with the world. This may be more about the charger than the battery, but it saved me buying a new one…

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I bought one to bring my slingy back to life after 3 1/2 years - it's done the job straight out of the box. Well worth the extra few quids!

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