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Body Armour Tested


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Been about a few years now, popular with skiers I think.

Last time I looked at it there was a French bike gear company doing it,

Don't know if it ever took off, should do though, it is teh awesome.

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It's been around for quite a few years now as a commercially available compound

Furygan have started using it in some of their kit - should be interesting to see how it performs in the real world, but it's certainly an interesting concept


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Apparently it only works over bone, if it's over soft tissue the impact goes straight through. So good for knees, elbows, shoulders skull etc, but not for any more upholstered areas:D


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My stepdad has some in a Hein Gericke jacket he bought a few years back. It looks like good stuff and the jacket can be worn casually because the armour does not stick out. He has never actually needed to test it but i would rather have a thick piece of armour between me and a fall it if came to it.

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As said previously . . .

Its been in the mtb scene for years now but bizzarely its still not that popular :wtfmore:

Personally i think its awesome but haven't bought any for the mtb or the motorbike yet purely coz it hasn't come in any of the products i really liked. Would definitely wear it though but i wonder how it would do in abrasion tests rather than impact when comared to plastic?? :huh:

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