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Head Bearing Tools.


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Anyone know where I can get head bearing removal tools (tapered rollers) Only place I can find is Machine Mart and they are poop at sending stuff overseas. Don't really fancy trawling through e-bay as my life passes by, especially when nobody bothers answering e-mails. HELP!!

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Hammer, punch and chisel? Angle grinder if particularly stubborn.

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I gather you mean the races..Drift out the bottom one first then do the top.Stick the drift down the hole in the center.Easy peasy.

For a drift don't use a screwdriver as it will chew it all up. Use an old socket extension bar.Short sharp taps as you work around the perimeter and it should pop out.If you hit one side it wont come out easy.

When i put the new races in i normally use a socket that's the same diameter as the race.Then its just tap tap tap until it slides in..A little lube help as well.(Giggle)

Just take your time and don't rush it.. :thumbsup:

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