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Flight Of The Frenchies


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although that ginger bird would get it while her boyfriend was dangling over the precipice.

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now that looks like fun :eusa_dance:

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Not using a line is fine if you are being chased by nutters armed with machetes. For 'fun', while your other half is there? He doesn't deserve to be hanging out of her freckly, French ass.

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Sex for them must be really dull.......

do it after a high like that and it is feckin great

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Not using a line is fine if you are being chased by nutters armed with machetes. For 'fun', while your other half is there? He doesn't deserve to be hanging out of her freckly, French ass.

diffrent strokes for diffrent folks, and she looks to be havin fun

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My heart was thumping all the way through that. Mad stuff.

The base jumper and the guy just attached to the wires..holy poop. Scary stuff.

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