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Rich Or Lean


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Hey everyone -- here is a video of the supermono -- seems to be running poorly at idle -- not sure if its too lean (which would cause the "popping") or too rich -- it sounds a bit like a backfire... See for yourself, weigh in with your comments (and I did get the overflow tube properly connected... :smt001

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Its hard to start from cold..You need a rich mixture to start it (choke)..and its still hard to start... So you could still be too Lean my man. :thumbsup:

Don't forget that the Air/Fuel mixture can play havoc.has this been touched?


Of course you could be going the other way.Listening to your video you say the carb is different,bigger.You have a jet kit,and a 45 idle jet plus the exhaust.

Take plug out and look at it... Black (sooty) = Rich White/light brown = Lean

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