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Power Commander Iii Usb Question


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While chasing down some electrickery gremlins and possibly an abnormal engine vibrationon my ST4s, I noticed that my PCIII, which has been attached to the bike for three odd years now, on power up, does the green LED routine where the power LED comes on and then the other LEDS light up and go out in sequence.

However, with the bike running, should the power LED be on all the time? 'Cause it doesn't seem to be.

The bike feels fine in terms of fuelling and I have not noticed any difference there, but just wondering about the power LED during normal operation as I can't for the fucking life of me remember what it did before now.

This request has been brought to you by a twinge of worry, a wisp of regret and no small amount of self doubt, with possible creeping, cloying paranoia.


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